Dr Magdalena Krzyzanowska-Celmer
​Professional history:
SHRP (HR Director) (Europe, Asia)
Executive coach (ICC), Team coaching
Assessor (AC/DC)
Senior Consultant (Leadership/ Management, HRM)
Mentor (Leadership / Management, HRM,
Author (books, book chapters, articles)
Academic lecturer
Business trainer (Leadership, High Performing Teams, Effective communication, Coaching for managers)
Executive Coach (ICC)
Assessor - Certified Assessor for AC & DC (CAADC)
Extended DISC
Hogan personality assessment
Linkedin URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/magdalenakrzyzanowskacelmer/

Dr Magdalena Krzyzanowska-Celmer demonstrates a combination of the academic and business practice mindsets. She has been an international SHRP & leadership mentor with 20 - year industrial experience on various people management related positions – local (Poland) and regional roles (Europe, Asia) (HR Manager, HR systems & communications Director, Europe; HR Director, Europe) at global organizations from various sectors such as e.g.: automotive, oil & gas, chemicals, packaging (Kongsberg Automotive, PPG, Graham Packaging Company,). She successfully led numerous restructure, change and M&A processes; developed and managed international teams and complex projects. She majors in strategic organization, C-suite leadership development, cross cultural management, organizational culture change & enhancement, high performing and effective teams, executive & business coaching and mentoring. She worked in Europe (Belgium, Finland, France, Italy, Poland, Spain, the Netherlands, Turkey, UK) and Asia (China).
She is also an enthusiastic researcher and explorer of multicultural business management and leadership practices with a special focus on Asian management models (PhD degree). Certified assessor and executive & business coach. Licensed in various psychometric instruments.

List of publications
Magdalena Krzyzanowska-Celmer,
​ORCID #: 0000-0001-5418-9070
Krzyżanowska-Celmer, M. (2023). Kulturowe uwarunkowania kompetencji przywódczych ekspatriantów na przykÅ‚adzie ChiÅ„skiej Republiki Ludowej, PWE, Warszawa.
Rozdziały w książkach
Krzyzanowska-Celmer, M. (2022). Retaining Millennials in the People’s Republic of China. In D. Molek-Winiarska (Ed.), Shaping employee experience in the changing social and organisational conditions (pp. 83-88). WrocÅ‚aw: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we WrocÅ‚awiu.
Krzyżanowska-Celmer, M. (2023). Kompetencje przywódcze menedżerów uwarunkowane wartoÅ›ciami konfucjaÅ„skimi w ChiÅ„skiej Republice Ludowej, [w:] M. Juchnowicz, H. Kinowska, ZarzÄ…dzanie kapitaÅ‚em ludzkim w warunkach niepewnoÅ›ci – wyzwania i implikacje, PWE.
Juchnowicz, M., Kinowska, H., Krzyżanowska-Celmer, M. (2024). Kompetencje przywódcze menedżerów zorientowanych na zrównoważony rozwój, Studia i Prace. Kolegium ZarzÄ…dzania i Finansów. Zeszyt Naukowy 196, SGH, Warszawa, s. 185-202. DOI: 10.33119/sip.2024.196.14
Krzyżanowska-Celmer , M. (2019). Unikatowe kompetencje ekspatriantów-menedżerów. Edukacja Ekonomistów i Menedżerów, 53(3), 143-154. https://doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0013.5250.
Krzyżanowska-Celmer , M. (2019). Gig economy. Retaining millennials though agile development, EURObiz, Journal of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, Issue 51, July/August, 2019, s. 8-10.
Krzyżanowska-Celmer (2019). M. Hire People, not Certificates! Develop People, not Papers!, EURObiz, Journal of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China,
Click on either the picture or link to open the article.

PhD degree in the field of social sciences in the discipline of management and quality sciences (SGH Warsaw University of Economics).
Master of Arts, College of English (MA) major in English and American Literature.
MBA (Jiao Tong University , Shanghai, China).

Leadership Practices (LPI) (Green Leaf consulting, US)
Change Management, High Performing Teams (Graham University)
Strategic Organization (Levinson institute, Boston, US)
Management in Crisis Situations
(Mirabaund Visconti & Guillery Malvy, BEL) -
Research paper grant: Canterbury University, Canterbury, UK
Polish (native)
English (fluent)
French (intermediate)